Hugo's Blog

Workaround for mysqldump SSL error 2026 bug #27669

Hugo Slabbert

I had not previously played aroung much with MySQL replication, but got the chance to do so recently. I’m doing some testing with a new mail filter setup composed of amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, and some other SA modules running through Postfix on Debian Etch. The setup uses Maia Mailguard as a web front-end and management system, including per-user settings and quarantines. We’re using MySQL for the database backend for Maia for storing quarantines, per-user settings and the like, but wanted to have a dual-MX setup with a secondary MX sitting in a remote site.

Got error: 2026: SSL connection error when trying to connect

I wasn’t specifying any SSL parameters in the mysqldump command, though, and while I did configure the replication users to require SSL in their user setup, the mysqldump user did not have an SSL requirement. I got to the official MySQL bug report for this error(#27669) as well as the patch link. But to be honest, that didn’t really get me anywhere. The bug report indicates that this behaviour has been corrected in MySQL release 5.0.42, and I was running release 5.0.32.

I updated the mysql-client package on a test machine to 5.0.75 and tried the mysqldump again; the same error still occurred. I didn’t want to upgrade the actual mysql-server package as well, so I looked elsewhere for a fix. It occurred to me that, in order for the MySQL replication to use SSL, I had specified the SSL-related options (ssl-ca and so forth) in the [client] section of the global configuration file at /etc/mysql/my.cnf. As mysqldump starts a MySQL client connection, it would stand to reason that it uses the [client] configuration settings that it would find in the global config file, and hence would try to use SSL.

I wanted to get mysqldump to not use SSL connections, but still wanted my replication traffic to use SSL. Since the mysqld daemon runs under the mysql user account, I moved the ssl-related config options out of the [client] section of the global config file of /etc/mysql/my.cnf, created a new .my.cnf config file in the mysql user’s $HOME directory (/var/lib/mysql on my system), and entered just the ssl-related options in a [client] section of that .my.cnf file. I reloaded the mysqld daemon and confirmed that the slave connection to the remote server came up properly. It did; the configuration options for the mysql user includes both the global config file of /etc/mysql/my.cnf and the per-user .my.cnf file I had just created, so it is able to pick up the ssl-related options in the [client] section of the per-user settings.

NOTE: The ssl-related options I am talking about here are only those configured in the [client] section. The ssl-related options in the [mysqld] section of the global config file can stay where they are. It should work to have those present in the local mysql user’s .my.cnf config file, but I did not test this.

Since no ssl-related options were specified in the global [client] configuration anymore, and no per-user settings were present for the user I was using for the mysqldump command, the command connected without SSL, the SSL error 2026 messages went away, and I was again able to successfully perform MySQL backups from the local machine.

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