Cannot install ESET Security on Debian 4.0 Etch Virtuozzo VPS

February 11, 2009

As part of some mail filter testing, I needed to install ESET Mail Security onto a Debian 4.0 Etch VPS running on Virtuozzo. As a side-note, I found that the install package for ESET’s Gateway Filter, Mail Security, and File Server Security for Linux is all the exact same package; the functionality is basically just controlled/activated by means of licensing the appropriate component. Anyway, the download comes as an installation script called esets. ... Read more

Accessing Active Directory in PHP using ADLDAP

August 13, 2008

Lately, our company has started developing user web portals for our clients. The main goal is to provide a central reference point for common links (webmail, helpdesk, remote assistance links … ), howto documents, and other files and resources. A secondary goal was to also allow user administrators to perform basic user management through a web interface. This would include things like disabling/creating/unlocking user accounts, resetting passwords, and modifying group memberships for access reasons. ... Read more

Gmail Filesystem for Windows

May 1, 2008

If you’re looking for an easy online storage solution for Windows (and have a gmail account kicking around), check out the Gmail Drive by bjarke. It’s a free shell extension for Windows that basically adds a new drive to your computer. When you try to access the drive through Windows explorer, you are prompted for your gmail login details (you have the option of saving the details to avoid having to login each time you access the drive). ... Read more

Find Disabled and Inactive User and Computer Accounts using Powershell - Part II

March 25, 2008

Part I demonstrated how to find aged or inactive accounts, and in Part II we will look at another lingering account type: disabled accounts. Like inactive accounts, Directory Searchers also come in handy for disabled accounts. We can also, however, read an Active Directory account’s status directly from a hidden attribute on the ADSI object. Let’s start with the Directory Searcher method. This entry also draws from Bahram’s Blog. The code: ... Read more

Find Disabled and Inactive User and Computer Accounts using Powershell - Part I

March 25, 2008

We’ll start off with Inactive accounts first, and then work on the disabled accounts after that. Active Directory in Server 2003 has a nice user/computer attribute called lastLogonTimeStamp that can help us keep track of inactive accounts. If you have ever tried to use that attribute, however, you might have come up with something like this… PoSH> $struserdn = "CN=Some User,OU=Users,OU=Corp,DC=yourdomain,DC=local" PoSH> $adobjuser = [ADSI]"LDAP://$struserdn" PoSH> $adobjuser {CN=Some User,OU=Users,OU=Corp,DC=yourdomain,DC=local} PoSH> $adobjuser. ... Read more

Take ownership of files and folders through script

March 23, 2008

As part of our process to disable user accounts, we take ownership of the user’s server-stored documents such as roaming profiles and redirected My Documents directories. We then either keep access restricted to the domain admins group or grant access to a replacement user who should receive access to the departed user’s files. With an upgrade to Exchange 2007, we have taken advantage of the Powershell access to Exchange objects, and have scripted the mailbox provisioning and account disable processes. ... Read more

Modifying Group Memberships with Powershell, Part II

January 19, 2008

I had hoped to put this all in one post, but the thing would have gone on forever! Part I covered some basics in copying group memberships to an Active Directory user from another user, such as a template account, using Powershell. Part II will delve into my misadventures in gaining more control of user group memberships, including removing users from a group either by editing the group’s attributes or editing the user’s attributes. ... Read more

Modifying Group Memberships with Powershell, Part I

January 19, 2008

I recently had to spend hours figuring out how to properly modify Active Directory group memberships using Powershell. Some of the .Net methods have not yet been implemented, so I had to get a bit tricky with it. I could find the various bits of information I needed in various places, so I hope that collecting them here in one place is of some use to others. The scenario was that I needed to disable user accounts in a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory environment running with Exchange 2007. ... Read more

Ultimate Guide to Linux Boot Problems

January 16, 2008

I haven’t played around much in Linux lately, but I finally dusted off my Ubuntu CD’s and started tooling around again. I already had Vista installation on my work laptop, and did not want to blow that away, so I erred on the side of caution by not letting the Xubuntu setup program install its own GRUB bootloader…except then I couldn’t get into the Linux OS… So, off I go in search of GRUB install guides, and just about every how-to out there is using the basic scenario that GRUB was installed in the first place, and that it just needs to reinstall itself, which was totally not the case this time around! ... Read more

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