Update on Network Solutions Front-running

January 12, 2008

If you caught my previous post about Network Solutions’ practice of domain front-running, here’s the latest bit: They are now actually claiming that this practice protects people against front-running (see CW article for more details). Their logic? Well, if the domain gets reserved when you search for it, they are preventing scammers from registering the domain and selling it back to you… …uhm… Let’s try this again: I go to NS to search for a domain’s availability ... Read more

Network Solutions Domain Frontrunning

January 9, 2008

If you have not heard of the term cybersquatting, here’s the gist: Think of a domain name that someone else is likely to be interested in. Register/Purchase that domain. Wait for that person to try and register the domain for themselves. Sell the domain to them for a profit. Another spin on this idea is called domain frontrunning, where domain registrars track which domains are checked for availability (e. ... Read more

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